Pauldrons of TranscendenceCore ForgedItem Level 76Binds when picked upShoulderCloth87 Armor+17 Intellect+13 Spirit+12 Stamina+10 Frost ResistanceDurability 60 / 60Requires Level 60Dawn ProphecyBoots of ProphecyCirclet of ProphecyGirdle of ProphecyGloves of ProphecyMantle of ProphecyPants of ProphecyRobes of ProphecyVambraces of Prophecy(2) Set: -0 sec to the casting time of Flash Heal and -0 sec to the casting time of Greater Heal.(4) Set: Increases your critical strike chance with spells and attacks by 2%.(6) Set: Increases your critical strike chance with Prayer of Healing and Circle of Healing by 25%.Sell Price: 4425